Pricing & Packages
Hourly Rate- $70.00
30 Minute FREE Consultation
Hourly Rate $70.00/ Hour
MINIMUM: 4 hour Session
Payment is due in full at the end of each session
Book a package and get a Discount!
Packages :
Packages must be PAID IN FULL to secure a session date.
10 Hours | $670.00 ($30 savings)
20 Hours | $1340.00 ($60 savings)
30 Hours | $2,010.00 ($90 savings)
40 Hours | $2,680.00 ($120 savings)
Want to make the job go quickly? Add an ASSISTANT!!!
Hourly Rate: $60/ per hour
Sorting process is more efficient
Overall length of time spent to complete the space will be decreased
To book a session - $50.00 Deposit (to be applied to booked session balance)
Cancellation Policy- 48 hours notice. $50 deposit is forfeited due to late notice cancellations.
All Sessions include FREE delivery and deployment of donation items to the donation site of the clients choise, executed with our company trailer.
Any items to be disposed of at the Trash/recycling center are charged at- $20 per hour to Combat Clutter Organizing PLUS associated dump fees
(Paid UPON invoicing to Combat Clutter Organizing.}
Shopping for organizing items needed in your new space is done for FREE for you ! Though it does take time for me, I enjoy planning your space and don't want to take any of my clients time away from their family. The task ahead is already hard enough as it is, I am HAPPY to take this stress off of you!
Payment for purchased products is due at the following session.
If the client would prefer to purchase said organizing items on their own time, I also welcome this scenario!
It is ideal that my clients have a budget in mind prior to my visit, and I will always stay within my clients budget that they have set for their project.
| Hoarding |
Some information for the clients that think they may have a hoarding disorder.
The word "Hoarder" is an over used term in our society. I am very sensitive to if or even when I use this description. It is more common than you would think , and do not feel embarrassed. If you believe you may have a Hoarding condition, once you feel ready to get started in clearing out your home, I highly recommend that your first step be contacting a licensed and experienced therapist to help you uncover why the hoarding began in the first place. It is crucial that on this journey there is emotional healing happening along side the clearing. When you are ready to begin the work in the home, an experienced hoarding specialist can help you to purge the home and clean it . The cleaning is usually done by an experienced junk and hazmat removal team. I have references upon request for all of these professionals- please do not hesitate to reach out to me for their information.
Click the button below to review the information regarding symptoms and treatment for hoarding to help better educate yourself.
***At this time I currently do not accept clients with extreme pet waste, infestations, or high levels of filth. In order to be able to work with you as a client, all areas must be rectified before we begin organizing your home for health reasons.